Other Square Enix Announces Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Event


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In a new video, Square Enix has officially announced the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Event. Unfortunately, Square Enix does not offer any further information about the event like its date or format, it simply saying in the video, "Details will follow at a later date." The trailer does, however, show off the logo for the 20th Anniversary event, and it is filled with Kingdom Hearts iconography. Making up the '2' is one of half of the regular Kingdom Hearts' heart emblem, its tail merging into the tip of the Kingdom Key; the "0" is the full Kingdom Hearts heart emblem with the signature crown sitting utop it.
I hope there would be trailers and news for future Kingdom Hearts game release during KINGDOM HEARTS 20TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT.

Happy 20th Anniversary to Kingdom Hearts!
Square Enix I should disclose the date for the anniversary either in a trailer video, or going straight to announcing it via their official website. Its splendid they are celebrating the milestone via the kingdom heart's 20th anniversary event.