Other Square Enix Tokyo HQ Staff Member Got Infected With COVID-19


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From Siliconera:

The employee in question is currently under medical care at their home as guided by a doctor. In response to the matter, the company, under the guideline of the public health center, identified close contacts and instructed them to work from home. The company also took several preventative measures such as disinfecting the workspace where the employee worked, reviewing activities and contacts.

Since February 19, Square Enix has taken several measures to combat the spread of COVID-19. This included policies for wearing masks, washing hands, using mouthwash, a traveling ban, and a recommendation to work from home. However, as of April 8, 2020, all employees of Square Enix started working remotely following the state of emergency declared in Japan earlier this week. The remote work will be in effect until May 6, 2020.
The question indeed. Either-way I hope this will not affect FF7 Remake Part II Development too much...
You have to wonder what public place the guy picked it up in the first place. Train? Restaurant? Some store?

He could also get the Coronavirus from public places and at home as well if he had infected guests visit his home.

I think you can get the Coronavirus by touching a piece of plastic and metal with the virus on it, and using the same hanf to touch your mouth, nose, ear, or eye.

The virus can stay alive on hard surfaces for many days, and can stay alive in the air for hours.