Staff App[Accepted]

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Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
What position are you applying for?: Vice-Admin
Location & time zone: Northeast PA in the US
Favorite types of games?: Survival Horror, mmorpg and anything fun
How many free hours do you have per week/day to dedicate to the forum?: 8+
If you have been staff at another forum how long were you staff for?: Currently staff on hyperboard support for around 4 years and run my own hosting discussion forum. Have had a couple promotion forums that I sold.
What are your favorite features/forums/areas in Gamingforce? meeting new gamers
Why do you want to be a staff member?: I like helping when I can
What would make you unique as staff?: I bring an older perspective to gaming
Anything else you like to mention?: I have extensive knowledge in forums, not as much in IP Board, I do graphics and know a lot of the back end things.
few questions,

Looking around the forum, what would you recommend to change or improve?

Do you think you could improve the member activity on the forum?
Looking around the forum, what would you recommend to change or improve? This is hard question since you have built up a great forum and it's working, so not sure what needs to be improved, maybe a section for vintage games like pre HD consoles.

Do you think you could improve the member activity on the forum? You are extremely lucking in that you have a great core member base, a lot of forum don't have this. I would be best to drive more traffic to the site by adding a link in signature as well as promoting the forum.
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