Staff needed read if your intrested


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hello interested readers if you read the topic title then you know Gamingforce is looking for staff. so heres what we need GFX staff, ad staff, global mod (maybe)

if you would like any of the above positions please fill out a template below that matches which job you want and reply to this topic with that template.

GFX staff (Graphic Gamers)
experience on other forums
examples of your work
what you can do and don't do
reason why you want to become GFX staff

Ad staff

experience on other forums
what you will do to ad GF
reason why you want to become ad staff

Global mod (uber game mod)

experience on other forums
will you uphold Gamingforce's rules?
reason why you want to become Gmod staff

we are looking for 1-2 GFX staff, 1-3 ad staff, and 1 mod. only post in this topic if you are applying for a job or asking a question. what you get is that you help GF members and get to see all of GF and get high respect.
Just wanted to add this:

If you guys had any moderator experience, feel free to come forward. Anyone who had experience moderating a forum can be really useful.
experience on other forums Many:
Future Ads
Manny other old dead forums for advertising...
will you uphold Gamingforce's rules?Yeah
reason why you want to become Gmod staff I got asked by DS, and we're good friends.
QUOTE (kody @ May 10, 2008 01:16 pm) name:Kody
experience on other forums Many:
Future Ads
Manny other old dead forums for advertising...
will you uphold Gamingforce's rules?Yeah
reason why you want to become Gmod staff I got asked by DS, and we're good friends.
congratulations you are now a uber game mod a.k.a Gmod so welcome to GF's mod staff. you will be expected to up hold the laws of GF and be active and keep trouble makers out.

can I handle some of the easyer requests for a bit, to get better with images?
Welcome to the GF Staff!
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ June 07, 2008 07:08 pm) welcome the new GFX staff Typewriter! where he replied to link
I haven't seen him hang around the GFX forum before, since he came forward he may decide to post his stuff there eventually.
QUOTE (MisterKalas @ June 07, 2008 08:22 pm) QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ June 07, 2008 07:08 pm) welcome the new GFX staff Typewriter! where he replied to link
I haven't seen him hang around the GFX forum before, since he came forward he may decide to post his stuff there eventually.
I believe is work is good and I hope he posts more of it. and everything on that site I link to he created. (I believe)
name: Classicâ„¢

Experience on other forums:

I had been with numerous forums before I took a hiatus, but when I came back to them I either found low activity or that they have been closed.

My most recent site of being on would be Community Lounge. I was also on Crystal-GFX (closed), as well as a few other sites (of which I have no longer recollection of - it's been far too long).

As for any information pertaining to moderator/admin status, I will be more than glad to share that with reviewers here - although I do not wish to make it openly public at this time.

Examples of your work:

Examples can be found in my portfolio, of which I have posted in the Art Work section of this forum.

What you can do and don't do:

I can do numerous types of graphics such as signatures, avatars, banners, sites, and other works. The only sort of graphic that I am not yet completely familiar or comfortable with is animated graphics of any sort.

Reason why you want to become GFX staff:

I wish to become a GFX Staff member in order to obtain new organizational skills and new knowledge pertaining to graphic design and theory.

I am always looking for a challenge to better myself, and I believe that this could very well be what I'm intended to find.
I think you will be a good addition and I have some graphic needs done soon so be ready for them. other then that welcome to Gamingforce! up hold the rules and fulfill your job to the best of your ability's.
bump with template of the first page

if you would like any of the above positions please fill out a template below that matches which job you want and reply to this topic with that template.

GFX staff (Graphic Gamers)
experience on other forums
examples of your work
what you can do and don't do
reason why you want to become GFX staff

Ad staff

experience on other forums
what you will do to ad GF
reason why you want to become ad staff

Global mod (uber game mod)

experience on other forums
will you uphold Gamingforce's rules?
reason why you want to become Gmod staff
name: Kisame
experience on other forums - ROOT Admin - I went from RP Manager to Temp Admin. The main admin recently turned the board offline though I don't really understand why. - Admin - I used to be RP Moderator but now im retired staff

will you uphold Gamingforce's rules? Yes
reason why you want to become Gmod staff I am on here a lot so why not try out for staff?
QUOTE (Kisame @ June 25, 2008 04:00 pm) name: Kisame
experience on other forums - ROOT Admin - I went from RP Manager to Temp Admin. The main admin recently turned the board offline though I don't really understand why. - Admin - I used to be RP Moderator but now im retired staff

will you uphold Gamingforce's rules? Yes
reason why you want to become Gmod staff I am on here a lot so why not try out for staff?
I need loyal mods that come here a lot and I feel you can fill this spot kisame. welcome to the uber game mods.
Thanks for the position DS!