So Star Wars: Battlefront has been really hyped up and I feel like EA did a good job on delivering this E3. You could feel the hype. My facebook newsfeed exploded when Battlefront came on the conference. Looking at the game it looks like a reskined Battlefield which I guess is to be expected at this point but it has hard to deny that Star Wars: Battlefront can bring a revival to the Star Wars games franchise as a whole.
I mean Star Wars games that actually matter and aren't designed for children. Games like Dark Forces and Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast or the Force Unleashed. Actual PC games with gorgeous graphics that are rich in Star Wars lore. If they are successful in launching Battlefront (and hopefully not killing it with DLC like they did Battlefield), along with the launch of the new Star Wars movie we could see a lot of new games within the next few years.
What do you guys think about the new Star Wars Battlefront?