Star Wars Blu-ray Breaks Global Sales


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Seems like the angry fans who protested the changes to the Star Wars trilogy by boycotting the Blu-ray release didn't have much of an effect on its sales. Lucasfilm and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment wasted no time getting out a press release touting the fact that just one week after its release, Star Wars: The Complete Saga has quickly become the number-one pre-order and number-one Blu-ray catalog title of all time.

Worldwide sales have reached one million units, including 515,000 units sold in North America in its first week. That amounts to about $84 million in sales, including $38 million in North America alone.

"Once again our fan's enthusiasm to celebrate Stars Wars continues to amaze us," said Kayleen Walters, Senior Director, Marketing, Lucasfilm. "Our goal was to deliver a premium product that they could enjoy with their family and friends and we are thrilled that they are enjoying it as much as we hoped they would."


why couldn't my family have made the star war series >_
Thats crazy how much they sold, all i heard was boycotts from everyone to not buy it. Well i guess ill be proud i got the Lord of the Rings Extended Edition on Blue Ray instead :D.