Started watching Street Fighter


Staff member
I just recently started watching Street Fighter based on the awesome game of the same name. I am watching it dub but it does a great job of the voice actors and animation seems very 90's so its pretty awesome! anyone else on here watched it or played the game?
I believe so its this series Street Fighter ii the animated series
Do you mean this street Fighter game. I haven't played, but have to take a look if you are saying about this game.

Street Fighter 2 is a PC adaptation of the famous 1991 arcade fighting game from Capcom.
Do you mean this street Fighter game. I haven't played, but have to take a look if you are saying about this game.

Street Fighter 2 is a PC adaptation of the famous 1991 arcade fighting game from Capcom.
Its a game but it got so popular that the turned it into a show there are 2 out there you can find online one is 1996 and one is like 80's sometime.
Oh, Street Fighter 2 V, thats the series. Its a classic; used to be shown on TV (USA Network) when I used to live in Guam.