Steam Beta for Ubuntu Linux May Arrive in October


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PC Gamer and several other sources believe that Valve Software plans to release Steam for Linux sometime in October. The theory is based on a mention of the Linux client in the Steam database records which was spotted last week. The official Linux tag has also now appeared as a search option for Steam Greenlight titles.

According to reports, the Linux client will likely arrive in beta form sometime just before Microsoft launches Windows 8 on October 26. Currently Steam Greenlight is listing a large number of games for the Linux client including Major Mayhem, Blue Libra, and even Postal 2. Left 4 Dead 2 and a handful of other unannounced AAA titles are also expected to launch with the beta.


Cool, Gamers are closer to not having to buy a Windows or Apple Mac operating system based PC for playing computer games on.

I wonder if this also make people who play console games switch to Steam Game on Linux now that Steam also have Big Picture for gaming on the TV with a controller or keyboard and mouse.