Steam will no longer support SteamVR on macOS. RIP! It is the end of a very short era. Steam introduced SteamVR for Apple computers way back in the mists of time — 2017’s Worldwide Developers Conference.“Valve has been working with Apple on this since last summer, which shows a high level of technical and business confidence in Apple’s VR efforts.”
The move was announced in a short post on SteamVR’s news page, laid out in a single sentence: “SteamVR has ended macOS support so our team can focus on Windows and Linux.” Mac users will still have some access to the feature, however, via legacy builds. One door closes, another will surely open. Right?
The move was announced in a short post on SteamVR’s news page, laid out in a single sentence: “SteamVR has ended macOS support so our team can focus on Windows and Linux.” Mac users will still have some access to the feature, however, via legacy builds. One door closes, another will surely open. Right?