PC/Mobile Steam Game Recording launches into Beta

Ill have to try this out
That sounds awesome! I am sure this will be used by many who need a way to get clips and gameplay.

Going to have to check it out at some point!
Steam game recording sounds like a good feature for someone who cant afford a game capture device or paid screencasting software.
Does their streaming thing they just came out with allow for recording?
Nvidia's own? I can record my gameplay with a simple press of a button when I enable the option and use their overlay while gaming. It's then saved to my computer for editing or uploading.
Nvidia's own? I can record my gameplay with a simple press of a button when I enable the option and use their overlay while gaming. It's then saved to my computer for editing or uploading.

Yeah the streaming thing they came out with that can be streamed on consoles. If so that's a plus for me.