Steam or Origin?


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, there's no way these two can be compared. I use Steam 90% of the time I play games. The only game I'd ever played on Origin was Sims 4, and it's earlier version, Sims 3. However, I don't think that my gaming time on Origin is more than two or three days in total. I've always opted for Steam. It's great. You can do so many things, you can easily navigate and it's so much more organised than Origin is. Plus, there's the Steam Workshop. I don't really remember Origin having one. I use my Origin account so "much" I'd even forgotten the password. It was so long ago....

However, although I believe that Origin can't possibly match Steam, I have a friend who plays on Origin only. She's never used Steam and refuses to. Origin is where she plays and she will not change it. This attitude made me question my opinion on Origin. So, I was wondering:

Steam or Origin, which one will you choose? Both? Are there any Origin fans out there?
Well, this is such an interesting question.

I'd only downloaded Origins for Bulletstorm, and FIFA. But now, I've a Steam account, and use it almost exclusively. From Dota, to Global Offensive, to League of Legends, and Arkham Knight, all my games are there. Origins is kind of an old interface, while Steam is newer and better in many respects. 

And to answer your last question: I'm not an Origins fan.
Steam is a global marketplace where all developers from around the world can sell their game. Origins is EA's little download client thingy JUST for EA games.

I use both.... but OBVIOUSLY by the way the two programs are designed, there's more games on steam, and thus greater playtime there.

This is a rather silly question

It would have been more applicable to compare Steam and GOG or another similar client that offers games from multiple developers.
I only use origin because its required by some games, outside of that its an inferior client to steam in everyway, with a very limited shop. To me there is no reason to ever use that client over Steam if you can get the game on steam anyway. It sounds like your friend is trying to be some sort of hipster towards Origin, there really is no reason to use the client. Things like SWTOR, you can launch without it. Battlefield requires origin but you can close it after you get into the game, so I don't really know why she'd not want to use steam..
Definitely Steam. Who would say Origin? :grin:

In terms of amount of games, Steam wins. In terms of sales and good prices, Steam wins. In terms of overall client design and navigation, Steam wins. In terms of community, forums, and game reviews, once again Steam wins. I really don't see how Origin can be better in any possible way. With that said, I did admittedly use Origin to play FIFA a few years back, in addition to BF3&4 now. All of my gameplay hours there are add up to 1200+ right now. But that's only because of one or two games. I hate to have a separate client just for them. I have other games on Origin but rarely play any. Also Origin seems to be hungry for my memory for some reason. When I ran a cracked version of BF3 I could easily run it maxed out at 50FPS, but now I get memory crashes when I try to go above medium settings while using the legit copy. Why? Because Origin + Battlelog. I know 4GB isnt enough nowadays but that's still no reason to ruin my performance so steeply. Steam doesn't take as much memory.
I only use Origin for games that require it. The majority of EA games up until Battlefield 3, I think, were on Steam as well, and EA had EA Download Manager instead of Origin, where you can download your games digitally and stuff. After that, they renamed it to Origin and changed it up a bit, but I still don't like it. However, I think all new EA games are Origin exclusive, like previously mentioned Sims 4 and many other games that I play, including Battlefield 3, 4 and Hardline; Mass Effect 3, the new Dragon Age and many more. I forgot my password, like you did, but I can always reset it. It's too big of a bother to log into Origin, especially since most of my friends are on Steam and if I want to play an Origin game, I'm not able to talk to my friends, unless I add it as a Steam shortcut, in which case, both Origin and Steam use my RAM and CPU, which takes a few FPS for me in Battlefield. Also, Steam has a HUGE selection of games, as far as I know, Steam has over 3000 games to choose from, including indie and AAA titles. One more thing that I LOVE about Steam is the fact that it has huge sales and discounts for holidays, summer, Halloween and such, and it has a bunch of NICE free to play games, like DOTA 2 and Team Fortress 2. I have over 300 hours on Dota 2 and over 800 on Team Fortress 2. Origin has some occasional sales which are not that bad, but they don't even come close to Steam. 
I don't think i know a single person that prefers Origin. Steam is much better, it offers thousands more games with more sales and opportunities to save money. Origin is awkward to use and necessary to play most EA games. It's not coming close to Steam in any category, and EA basically forces it on PC users if they want to play their games.

For most people Origin is a requirement to play one or two of their games, nowhere near the functionality or popularity of Steam. No contest.
I think Steam is the way to go. Origin is owned by EA, and I really hate that company for what they did to gaming in general. I actively try to avoid buying games from Origin. Steam on the other hand has really cool customer support and also support a lot of games with projects like Early Access.
I have no games on Origin and most of my games are on Steam anyway, so it's definitely easy for me to pick a side. Also, I play some games on, but that doesn't influence my steam vs origin opinion of course.
The only reason I have Origin installed is that EA has some awesome old games they give out occasionally (Theme Hospital, anyone?), but I would never imagine buying anything from there. That being said, Origin is not the steaming pile of garbage it used to be, and Steam wasn't exactly great piece of software long ago either.
You can't really compare them.If you play games like battlefield then of course origin is better.All the games are on steam so I choose steam.I also like the interface of steam.It is easy to play with your friends.I haven't tried origin
In my opinion, there's no way these two can be compared. I use Steam 90% of the time I play games. The only game I'd ever played on Origin was Sims 4, and it's earlier version, Sims 3. However, I don't think that my gaming time on Origin is more than two or three days in total. I've always opted for Steam. It's great. You can do so many things, you can easily navigate and it's so much more organised than Origin is. Plus, there's the Steam Workshop. I don't really remember Origin having one. I use my Origin account so "much" I'd even forgotten the password. It was so long ago....

However, although I believe that Origin can't possibly match Steam, I have a friend who plays on Origin only. She's never used Steam and refuses to. Origin is where she plays and she will not change it. This attitude made me question my opinion on Origin. So, I was wondering:

Steam or Origin, which one will you choose? Both? Are there any Origin fans out there?
I only have an Origin account. One thing that I like about them is occasionally they'll give you free full versions of a game. The last time I played Sims 4 they had one but I can't remember what it was for - some kind of shooter game, I believe since I remember it didn't catch my interest. But it's definitely a cool feature. I haven't tried Steam before though, so I can't really compare the two.
Steam, for sure. Way more interactive, you can just search games by so many different tags, and they're always having sales. Origin is okay but I honestly don't feel connected to it. When I think about games, I'm directed to Steam automatically. I can't think "I wanna play something, what's new in Origin?"