Steam OS Now Supports AMD Radeon and Intel Graphics chips


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Good news for AMD and Intel customers!

The Steam Universe group was updated on Wednesday with news that SteamOS now has support for AMD and Intel GPUs.

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This is great news for gamers with AMD and Intel Graphics Chips! Now, almost all computers made by HP, Dell, Acer, etc and inexpensive self-built computers would work with Steam OS because most cheap intel PCs thesedays come with Intel HD 4000 or higher graphics, and cheaper AMD computers come with AMD Radeon graphics built-into the CPU.

Now people can also build a Steam Machine console running the free Steam OS for under $350 because they can use the graphics chips like the Intel HD 4000 which are built-into a lot of Intel CPUs, or buid a cheaper AMD APU based computer for $300.

Integrated video like Intel HD 4000 and AMD APUs are also good enough for many games like Dota 2, League of Legends, and PC games which are console ports like Final Fantasy 7, Crazy Taxi, and Need for Speed racing series.
I don't really see the appeal of the SteamOS. If I'm going to play a PC game then, I'll just play in on my PC.
If I want to play a PC game with a controller then, I'll just stick a controller into my PC.
Azareal said:
I don't really see the appeal of the SteamOS. If I'm going to play a PC game then, I'll just play in on my PC.
If I want to play a PC game with a controller then, I'll just stick a controller into my PC.
Steam OS is free, so it cost nothing. Using Steam OS will save gamers money by not needing to buy an operating system by Windows. Steam OS is the best free alternative to paid operating systems like Windows which cost hundreds of dollars. The hundreds of dollars in savings can be used for buying more inexpensive games from Steam, and buying a better video card, more RAM, and a faster CPU for more intensive gaming.

Plus, Steam OS is simpler to use than Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and other free Linux based operating systems, and it uses less RAM and CPU cycles because it does not have stuff like Printer drivers, and other background programs running in the background like other typical free OSes like Ubuntu, so Steam OS would run smoother and faster even on slower computers than a Full desktop operating system like Windows which has tons of background programs like Windows update, Security Center, Printer drivers, Aeroglass, System Restore, and Firewall running in the background when gamers are logged into Windows.

Also, gamers won't need to manually install video card drivers like other Linux based OS like Ubuntu where you need to use the command line terminal to install the latest Video drivers from Nvidia, or AMD. 