Steam running on Remix Android


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#GDC, #Steam Games, #Remix OS, #CodeWeavers. Play your Windows games on Remix Android using CrossOver for Android as shown at GDC 2016 in San Francisco.

This is the Steam client running natively on Remix OS using CrossOver for Android. We were able to launch and play a couple of games from the client without any issues.

It's cool that the Steam Client can run on Android by using the Codeweaver app on Android.

I wonder if Steam games run faster on Remix Android which can run on older and slower PCs compared to Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 which needs a fast computer to run PC games at a good speed.
Pretty neat, Steam should be able to run on anything from Linux to PlayStation.
Pretty neat, Steam should be able to run on anything from Linux to PlayStation.

I bet, there would probably be a way to make Steam work on the Playstation 4, and Xbox One since they both use AMD CPU and video chips which are very similar to the CPU found in Linux, and Windows PC which can run Steam.

But, I feel Sony and Microsoft would not want Steam on their consoles since people may buy cheaper digital versions of the some of the same games on Steam which are also available on Steam.