Steam summer sale 2014!

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Well-Known Member
I can't believe there isn't a thread for this yet?

Steam every now and then has these amazing weeks in which they sell games with enormous discount. One of those periods is the summer (Start of the holidays, so you'll have all the time to play those games!)

It's been 'leaked' or at least presumed to be leaked to be from the 19th of June until the 30th! Which is tomorrow! (Source:

Of course, at this point it is simply prediction, but we know for sure that there will be Steam Sales. All I can say is keep an eye out for amazing deals on Steam soon!
I heard something about tomorrow around 1 pm est.  But then that was just a rumor we are going to have to wait and see.
Can't wait for this, although my wallet is already crying! Just a reminder though that there are other sites around which have Summer sales on around this time and make sure you shop around before buying anything on the Steam sale. Sites like Cheapshark or Isthereanydeal are great for this.
I will check out and see what they put on sale. Their last few sales have not been that great. Its mostly indie games or old games that no one cares about. If they put something worth buying I probably will buy it.  (as long as my pc can handle it, it has a 4 year old video card)

I've been waiting for the sale to go live before I started something.
I really hope that they put out another one of those card events. Since I have stopped buying games on steam sales, what I have to look forward to with steam sales is earning money, rather than spending money. I think you all remember last winter and summer sale, where they had steam trading cards that you could get by voting in the Community's Choice, and by buying games, and so on. It may not bring in a fortune, but if you voted EVERY time you could, you could earn a few bucks during the entire sale: which is absolutely not bad! It might/will even be enough for a new game, especially if you want some cheap indie game. Which is amazing, because that'll be completely free apart form the time it takes to vote.

Regardless of everything, I am looking forward to it, because I do have some money left in my steam wallet, and it would be fun to buy some new game. Something I have considered buying is CS:GO, but I'm not sure if I'll like it or not... Either way, CS:Go is bound to go on sale, since it's been 75% off quite a few times already.
I found this flow chart that can greatly help when deciding if to buy or not a game that is on sale. I think it will be useful for everyone!

Here is the link to the flow chart:

Also, in case you impulse buy a game, buy it as a gift, that way if you never get to play it you can trade it for another game, and if you want to play it you can always redeem the gift for yourself because it remains stored in your inventory until you gift it.
Great chart and that is the truth when buying from steam, always purchase as a gift. I have to watch though since I buy for myself and my son lol
Steam sales generally aren't that great. As another member said, generally they throw games into the sale which nobody plays anymore, probably just to milk the final bit of cash out of them they can before they discontinue selling them. I suppose it's a good sale if you want to buy gifts for your friends and have it not cost the earth, but if you're looking for new games to play yourself there usually isn't an awful lot to choose from that look very interesting and have a good discount.
Jeez, I didn't realise this was going live so soon. Nothing that I really want to pick up so far, although I hear that Farcry 3 is meant to be pretty good. Not liking the new way of voting however.
Grumpy said:
Steam sales generally aren't that great. As another member said, generally they throw games into the sale which nobody plays anymore, probably just to milk the final bit of cash out of them they can before they discontinue selling them. I suppose it's a good sale if you want to buy gifts for your friends and have it not cost the earth, but if you're looking for new games to play yourself there usually isn't an awful lot to choose from that look very interesting and have a good discount.
Well to me (as a budget gamer) I love the Steam Summer Sales. I gives me the chance to play classic yet highly rated games. I usually tend towards the flash sales because those seem like a better deal. Some games just put their game out on sale for short period of time so that the people who get it can play and rate the game. This promotes the games for other users to see and think about buying as well. 

Don't you think? 
What did you guys think about Day 1? I did not get any game on this day, I was disappointed that Day Z, an alpha game, did not get a better discount. Oh well, there are still many days missing and the thing of being on a "team" looks interesting. I can't wait to get some Trading Cards and sell them haha! :P
ChaosB said:
I can't believe there isn't a thread for this yet?

Steam every now and then has these amazing weeks in which they sell games with enormous discount. One of those periods is the summer (Start of the holidays, so you'll have all the time to play those games!)

It's been 'leaked' or at least presumed to be leaked to be from the 19th of June until the 30th! Which is tomorrow! (Source:

Of course, at this point it is simply prediction, but we know for sure that there will be Steam Sales. All I can say is keep an eye out for amazing deals on Steam soon!
Every now and again? They always seem to have one! 

Saying that, I love a good Steam sale. I always buy a bunch of games and I still have games for 2-3 years ago which I haven't even played yet. It's so enticing!
Well this sucks, couldn't they have waited another week? This is bad timing for me, I get paid next week, not much money right now. I won't be able to participate =(

Well, maybe if there's a good deal on the newest Crusader Kings II DLC I'll sacrafice some food money to get that.
If you're looking for a good pickup today, the best thing on offer is probably the flash sale on Mount and Blade Warband. It's a very interesting hybrid of third-person action, RPG and strategy where you lead a character around a large map in real-time, manage cities and castles, upgrade troops and then fight real-time battles as the leader of a company of AI soldiers.
Frankly, it's one of the most interesting games I've ever played and I really hope they make a sequel.
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