Steam vs Other Platforms


Well-Known Member
Recently I purchased Mass Effect 3 because it was on sale. Unfortunately it's not on Steam, so I have to use Origin. As it turns out, I really don't like Origin. A couple of days after this, I started playing Tom Clancy's free to play game. For this, I needed UPlay. As it turns out, I really don't like UPlay. The same goes for Desura. To me, none of these other distribution platforms can even touch Steam. What do you guys think? Is there a viable competitor for Steam, or has it just completely outdone the other platforms?
In my opinion, Steam has completely outdone all of it's competitors. The only gaming platform that comes close to it in reality is Origin, but even Origin is still someway off. I have both Steam and Origin, but generally I only play games via Steam, primarily Football Manager 2014. In fact, the only reason I really downloaded Origin was because I work as a volunteer on an EA Help site and we got some free games like Titanfall etc to say thanks for our work. Steam has no real competitors that they need to worry about, really.
I prefer because all games are DRM-Free, and the games are fairly priced. But, Steam is good as well because there are so many good games, and the sales are good.
I prefer to use Steam myself, but publishers are trying to get a bigger piece of the pie. I honestly think its hurting them because a lot of Steam members refuse to buy games on other platforms. I myself have Steam, GMG, Amazon, Orgin, Gamefly, I buy where ever I can get the game the cheapest.

Realistically, I feel like Steam is the only platform as they have such a commanding presence.
That said, I can't say I really use Steam all that often nor do I particularly enjoy the interface. However, Steam sales and of course the plethora of indie developers on it tend to draw me back in.
There's not really any other competition to Steam. Steam offers the best of what people want. A collection of games in one place and games that people can get at dirt-cheap prices. No other platform has tried to compete against that and I doubt anyone will for a long time, Steam is just too 'perfect' and popular for there to be any serious competition. 
Jlton said:
There's not really any other competition to Steam. Steam offers the best of what people want. A collection of games in one place and games that people can get at dirt-cheap prices. No other platform has tried to compete against that and I doubt anyone will for a long time, Steam is just too 'perfect' and popular for there to be any serious competition. 
I gotta agree with you. Steam beats any other game merchant hands down. I love their sales and daily specials. It's good for someone who is on a budget and can only buy games sparingly. It even gives free trials to some games to test them out. 

Anyone excited for the upcoming Summer Sale? I'm bracing my wallet for impact :)
I'd say Steam vs Uplay.
I barely have any problems with Origin except for expensive games and slow download speed.
Uplay however can go and die out a quick but painful death
Steam kind of has a monopoly on this area. In fact, no kind of about it, it does have a monopoly. Other people try and set up their own platforms such as Uplay or Origins, but they just don't have the same power behind them, and more importantly, they're awful! is the only other option really.
Steam's closest competitor is Origin, but even then, it's not really a competitor at all. Steam is the leading brand in PC gaming, and it will stay that way for a long, long time to come. No other platform offers such a good collection of games, such a good support forum/community system and the amazing achievements system that Steam offers. No other platform is even close to it, in fact, the only reason I have Origin is because I got some free gifts from EA which included a free copy of Titanfall. also sell downloadable PC games for Windows, but it is only available in the US. I think could be Steam's clossest competitor if they add more downloadable games to Amazon, and let non-US buyers buy PC download games.
I totally agree with you here. I find most of these services really annoying to say the least. Why should I have to use any other service when I am already using Steam. Having said that, though, I wold admit that Origin has gotten better in recent times. I can't say the same for Uplay unfortunately. I still can't play Watch Dogs on my PC, because the damn Uplay won't log me in. On the other hand, those who pirated the game have already finished it up. 
froggyboy604 said: also sell downloadable PC games for Windows, but it is only available in the US. I think could be Steam's clossest competitor if they add more downloadable games to Amazon, and let non-US buyers buy PC download games.
They can't be a competitor. Most of their digital downloads are steam codes. They don't have a desktop client either.
I completely agree with you. Steam has already become the industry standard client when it comes to PC gaming. I thoroughly enjoy Steam. Even if I have any DRM-free or non-Steam game (Uplay, Origin, Desure, Games for Windows LIVE, other client, etc.), I add them on Steam as a non-Steam game so that I could get the in-game overlay and my Steam friends could see what I am playing. Steam is an intuitive DRM which does not force the end user into problems. I have been a fan of Steam since I have installed it. Moreover, it has great sales. Steam is one of the most revolutionary things that have happened to the PC gaming industry.
I prefer steam to pretty much all of the other platforms for PC gaming. The wealth of community features and frequent sales put it a level above the competetion. In addition, I feel like programs like Origin and UPlay are just slow and unresponsive in comparison to Steam.