Street Fighter Vs Mortal Kombat


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Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Which fighting game series is better? I feel like Mortal Kombat is more fun, but then again I was always more of a guts and glory type of guy.
Both of them are great fighting games but having played Street Fighter more, I would say it's better. MK is just better in graphics.
Mortal Kombat has had a rough history of ports and Street Fighter has had a rough history with games like SF 2010 and their first titles. But they tend to have a solid grasp of how to make a good fighting game, which can be hard to say with old Mortal Kombat like the Game Boy ports, Sub-Zero for the N64, and then add a bunch of DLC for their recent additions making the game series even less appetizing.