i personally live in new zealand and not many people hav a 3DS(all people that *do* hav one r awesome!)so even if i take my 3DS anywhere to get those coin things i hardly eva get a streetpass!ITZ SOOOO ANNOIING!!!!!!
So far I met a gal as I was browsing for movies at the local Best Buy. I checked my 3DS and the green light was flashing and we exchanged friend codes when we realized we were like two rows away from each other. Also a few of my customers have their 3DS's with them, so I get a few Miis here and there. I unfortunately haven't had gaming related experiences. I really want to try the Super Street Fighter IV figure fighting game.
I got some guys Mii at a Mall in "Reading, PA". Was walking around the entire mall, got some credits for my phone and had a green light when I got back home...I could have gotten the light anywhere before that as well...I was at a Bus terminal too so that could have happened there...then there was the bus to the mall. Point is I got one dammit.