Strike the Blood


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So after someone told me that this anime was better than Kill la kill (Which it really isn't) I decided to check this out and well most of the time I found this anime meh. Music wasn't nothing special, characters were pretty boring and the plot line and the ecchi in the series didn't seem to hit any high notes. Though it took most of the season, I finally got interested in this anime at the very ending so maybe season 2 will be better.

If you're looking for a vampire type anime, this might be worth checking out.
I thought it was alright, but certainly nothing new to the anime world. If you are into some action, some comedy, and some fanservice you'll like it. I couldn't exactly get passed 3 episodes, I don't like fanservice myself. But one video I watched was pretty funny. 

(Spoilers, of course.)


It was kind of cool the first time she said it, maybe the second, but after that I couldn't really take it seriously. I'm not bashing the anime, I just think it's something that people can have fun with.