Suggest stuff for my Paper Mario in Flash project


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Okay, so here's the go, I have an assignment coming up where we have to make an interactive comic book type thing. So I looked at all my Paper Mario characters I had drawn up and figured, "Heck, why not, let's base it on them". It'll basically be a story with about 5 interactive scenes. Here's what I have planned so far for the interactive scenes:

One compulsory Mario & Luigi styled battle between Mario and Bowser

which is followed by 4 optional other things (you only get to do one, I'm guessing)

-a second, much harder Mario & Luigi styled battle between Mario and somebody.
-a "Giant Bowser Rampage" mini-game, where Bowser plows through some city and has to reach the centre, whilst destroying all attempts being made to stop him.
-Outer Space maze, where you use the mouse to guide Mario through a maze (zero gravity kind of effect)
-"Escape from The Underwhere" mini-game, where Luigi accidentally dies and has to get out if he wants to reunite with his friends! (Thinking of adding a creepy scene where you need to swim through that purple lake in Super Paper Mario and dodge those freaky hands)

Here's a demo of the idle animations and text bubble:

All suggestions would be great, I'll comment on them and see if I can add them!