Super Mario 3D World


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Nintendo has announced the next game in the 3D mario series, Super mario 3D world which seems to be heavily based off of 3D land for the 3DS.

I'm kind of disappointed in this, It's a side scroller instead of a open world.
So apparently a side scrolling game is a game in which "the game play action is viewed from a side view camera angle (Wiki)." So I world is when you control the view as if you were actually there? If that's the case, then I agree with Demon_Skeith. It seems like this game is simply a 3D version of a 2D game instead of really taking advantage of the fact it's in 3D. Nonetheless...I love Super I would probably have fun playing this game anyways! 
lianymode said:
So apparently a side scrolling game is a game in which "the game play action is viewed from a side view camera angle (Wiki)." So I world is when you control the view as if you were actually there? If that's the case, then I agree with Demon_Skeith. It seems like this game is simply a 3D version of a 2D game instead of really taking advantage of the fact it's in 3D. Nonetheless...I love Super I would probably have fun playing this game anyways! 
I completely agree, I loved how mario 64 was set up to be more like an open 3d platformer instead of just a 3d-ified 2d world. It's not enough to make me buy a wii u, but if I had a wii u already then I'd probably still play this game, still could be kind of fun for its oldschool feel.
I don't know about that cat suit stuff... But this game looks like a lot of fun, and the graphics are gorgeous too. I'm impressed with what Nintendo is putting out, I think the Wii U might be a real contender now. I've been more compelled by Nintendo games lately than anything I've seen for the PS4 or Xbox One so far... does that mean I'm getting old? ...or getting young again? All I know is I want these new Mario games on my HDTV!

Also, I wish they'd redo Mario 64 with these graphics!
Nintendo never fails to surprise me. I never set any expectations when they reveal their games, automatically knowing that their games always blow my mind. Even when their games seem like they may not be good, they still manage to be great. All their games always hook me until I finish them. Although that is a good point, I wonder who they will be saving! I look forward to playing the game, especially since it will be in 3D. 