Super Monkey Ball 3D
The same old Monkey Ball with a very nice twist
Super Monkey Ball 3D is a game where you control a Monkey (Obviously) trapped in a ball (Obviously) that has to go trough differently themed worlds and platforms, with many different traps and twists, without falling off the platforms.
Gameplay - 9/10
The gameplay in Super Monkey Ball 3D is almost flawless, it's the same old Monkey Ball we all love, you go from world to world, in whatever order you'd like, collect as many bananas as you can, and reach the end of the various stages in each world.
There are practically zero problems for the main game, the problem lies withing the 2 other game modes featured in Super Monkey Ball 3D.
One is a rip-off Mario Kart, where you pick a character and a kart, and race it out in 3 stages, which I must admit, is pretty fun for a while, but gets tiring, and repetitive, as you don't have many stages to chose from.
The other mode is a rip-off Brawl, where you chose a character and fight it out with other CPU's or with friends, but it's lacking, as it's a big messy random fight where you keep mashing the same button for a minute and a half until you win.
Other than that, the main game, that involves 80 levels and a nice selection of worlds with different themes such as Agrabah, Graveyard, and a few other generic themes.
Also, there is very little replay value for the game, tho you will want to replay all of the worlds again to try and beat your times or just for the fun of it.
Graphics - 9.5/10
The art style in the game is all about cuteness, even when creating a mad doctor, the game gives all monkeys a blushing face to monkey-it-out while playing the game.
The graphics in the game are fairly good for the 3DS, the 3D effect is well done too, giving a nice feeling of depth, too bad the Gyroscope controls force you to play in 2D mode.
It's not the best graphics on the 3DS right now, but the graphics are definitely remarkable and nicely done, combined with the 3D effect, the game is visually appealing.
Other Details - 9/10
There is a nice variety in the soundtrack that's unique to each world and the sound effects aren't too repetitive or annoying at all.
You can chose to play with the circle pad, or the Gyroscope controls, which I find an annoyance, as it forces me to play the game on 2D mode.
The game has very little replay value, after you finish playing the game, you can try to finish worlds faster than you did before, but other than that, there isn't much to do after completing all worlds.
You can, however, play the Kart racing mode and the Fighting mode with your 3DS friends, that's a nice and welcome addition to the game, but since the two modes are lacking anyways, it's not much.
Final Words
Super Monkey Ball 3D is a fun game that can last quite a while, but has no replay value what-so-ever.
It has 3 modes, two of them being very lackluster, but having multiplayer.
Super Monkey Ball 3D also makes a great use of the 3D effect, adding a gorgeous depth to the game, enchanting the already great gameplay and graphics.
Super Monkey Ball 3D gets a: