Swap note friend request !!


Well-Known Member
HI im new here. please guidance me to this forum.
im from Malaysia and the reason i post this to add me as friend list, so we can swap note each other.
sorry for my grammar. my english is not well.

well this is my frieend code. add me pls, add inform me if you has added.


[font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]game i play is street figter vi, alphat 3d, kingdomheart 3d. thank you[/font]
Hello Tatoba, and welcome to the Nintendo 3DS Community. Even though I'm new as well I didn't receive a welcome, or guidance, but I do know my way around the forums and I could help you with any question you may wonder. I'd like to register you on my Nintendo 3DS and welcome you to the site, my friend code is 2492 - 4349 - 9400, I don't have those games but I do love to draw on swapnote, I may get Street Fight IV in the future though, it caught my eye a while ago.

Also please don't worry about your English, it's perfectly fine, no one judges here
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thank you , Fuzzii, i have already add you. ya i have offline game only,except street figter. nevermind, let swap note!!
No problem. Haha alright but I have to sleep soon, work x) Later on you should go to the introductions section on this forum and introduce yourself, I know people here like to meet and hear about their new members!
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hi Tatoba, i added you, you can find my Friend Code in my profile
i added you my names mia and my friend codes in my profile
I'm adding you and welcome to forum. Guidance won't be too hard to understand I'm sure you're already adjusted. And anyone else in here I'll add you. Just PM me, I don't get on that often.