E3 Switch or 3DS?


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I'm hoping we'll get a bunch of news for both systems, but which one do you think Nintendo will focus most on? The obvious choice is the Switch but Nintendo could have a lot of line up for the 3DS.
I'm going to say they'll show more for the Switch since it's their newest system. Plus they showed a lot of 3DS games last year that still haven't come out. Plus, they're showing a lot of 3DS stuff now, so they're probably making room for all the Switch stuff.
I'm going to say Switch. The 3DS has been around for some time but I'm not saying that because I don't like it. The Switch was just announced late last year and was released for sale in March. So I feel they will focus on that console more than the 3DS.
They will definitely focus on the Switch because it's their newest console and of course, they want to increase its sales. I think they expected people to be in love with the Switch way more than they actually are. The big problem is for sure the lack of good quality games with a few exceptions - Zelda and Mario for me. I mean, for the price of above 300 euros, I really expect to be able to buy more different games than what they're currently offering us.

I also have a 3DS but I doubt that they will focus on it since it's a bit older. Maybe a few exciting new games? Fingers crossed. I'd love to see new Animal Crossing.
I am sure they will mention some #DS games, even if it is refining what we already know is coming. I think Nintendo is trying to calm down the fears of them just leaving the 3DS behind. That said, I agree with the rest that the focus will be leaning towards the switch. Unlike other years where Nintendo has minimised the E3, this time they asked us to expect surprises so I believe they have some switch-fuel Aces to reveal us. If they are as great as they imagine is a different story so while I won't be keeping my hopes high I am ready to hear some new games revelations being brought into the open.
I saw a Switch Skyrim game during the Bethesda E3 presentation. Apparently the device is good enough to play Skyrim (even if it's just the 2011 version and not the Enhanced Edition) and you can use the controllers to mimic the action in the game, like swinging swords and firing arrows. I thought that was pretty good and interesting to do as a gamer, who really wants to feel the most immersive experience for an adventure game. Virtual reality has a long way to go, but having two controllers in each hands and being able to feel immersion is a big step towards perfection.
It's very clear they are going to give plenty focus to the Switch, considering it's the new console and they not only need to boost its sales, but also push its popularity ahead to make sure it doesn't become a flop. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that they need to make a sizable amount of games for the Switch to give a wide range of options to potential customers and attract the biggest amount of buyers, only that way they'll avoid losing the investment made on the new console.

However this doesn't mean they won't release more 3DS games, it's pretty obvious not anyone can affort the Switch just now, therefore they need to keep the 3DS market alive. So don't panic, anyone! There's still life for the 3DS!
I think they want both systems to co exist. Hopefully we get to see more connectivity between the two. They're still making games for the 3DS that's for sure. And with the release of the New 2DS XL I don't think the 3DS market is going to die soon.
I think they want both systems to co exist. Hopefully we get to see more connectivity between the two. They're still making games for the 3DS that's for sure. And with the release of the New 2DS XL I don't think the 3DS market is going to die soon.
It seems like they're treating these two consoles differently than the original DS and the 3DS. All my friends jumped ship to the 3DS and coincidentally, they started selling only 3DS games on shelves.