Teachers Say Little Kids are Acting Out Game Violence


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A conference for schoolteachers in the UK has focused its ire on the issue of small children playing violent videogames, and bringing these adult fantasies to school play-time.

Delegates at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers annual conference discussed a motion calling for "stringent" legislation against the "negative effects some computer games are having on the very young."

One teacher of small children said her students "throw themselves out of the window of the play car in slow motion" play-acting the motion of "blood spurting from their bodies."

Alison Sherratt, a teacher at a primary (elementary) school in West Yorkshire, added, "We all expect to see rough and tumble, but I have seen little ones acting out quite graphic scenes in the playground and there is a lot more hitting, hurting and thumping in the classroom for no particular reason."

She said there is a "notable correlation between the children who admit to playing games and those who come to school really tired."

The ATL's general secretary Mary Bousted called on parents to honor game ratings and TV watersheds. "It's about reminding parents and carers that they have a very real responsibility for their children and that schools can't do it alone."


thumping? Anyways, show the proof video games are to blame instead of kids being kids.