Tech industry slips into a decline


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SAN FRANCISCO — In a surprising turn, the tech industry is in a slump even as the U.S. economy picks up steam.

The announcement Thursday that Silicon Valley giant Cisco Systems, which sells networking and telecommunications equipment, plans to cut 4,000 jobs is the latest sign of a slowdown that has sucker-punched high-tech firms.

There even have been signs that tech's dysfunction was having a wider effect. When Wal-Mart reported disappointing earnings Thursday, the company's executives pointed the finger at consumer electronics for a lack of exciting new products.

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I agree with Walmart's exexutives saying there is a lack of exciting new products since it seems most new electronics and computers which are coming out lately are the same things, but with a better screen, and is slightly faster.

There is also less good content like movies, games, ebooks, music and apps which are worth buying since a lot of content these days seem to be re-hashes and squels to something which already came out, so there is no need to buy electronics if there is less content which is worth buying for electronics to play.

The NSA and PRISM may also make fewer people buy fewer devices with webcams, microphones, and  internet access because of privacy fears on being spied on by the police, government, spyware, and hackers.
Dammit do I need to put it on a banner and fly it around? Everyone has the tech and many more people are learning how to keep them managed and updated. If everyone has one no one will buy anything new. Bring out something nice and fancy, they won't get the sales they want.
I think there are still a lot of young people in their early to late teens, and very old people who still don't own many electronics, or none.

I remember when I was very young, I had very few electronic items, and just used my parent's TV, and older sibling's or school's computers.  I think I only owned a Playstation, Nintendo, and Gameboy Advance console.

There maybe a lot of young kids without much money (no allowance) who own very few or no electronics, and very old people who choose not to own any electronics, and rather buy something which is more fun to them like a Chess set, so they can play chess with other people.

Maybe more people are spending their money for non-tech items like bikes, skateboards, junk food, collectable coins, and musical instruments instead of buying electronics.
Ohhh, there are lots of young people that have tech and many of them or their family simply won't be able to afford them till they get up to high school years. As for the old people if they haven't bought by now they most likely won't.

Point is, it's the tv effect. Once everyone has a tv who will buy one? I fear tech may degrade in quailty like tvs did so they don't last as long.
I agree most electronics will not last as long because fewer people are buying them, so the electronic companies make them cheaply.