Other Tencent Preventing Chinese Gamers' Access To Foreign Games


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Tencent is altering one of its services in a way that will prevent gamers based in China from playing online games from overseas.

While the Chinese government approves which titles are officially released and operated in China, gamers do find ways to access online games hosted on foreign servers. However, local internet speeds can often be too slow to enable them to play.

Tencent, as well as other Chinese internet firms such as NetEase, offers network acceleration tools that improve internet speeds in order to allow gamers the chance to access these foreign games.

Tencent has announced an update to one such app that will only support games officially operating in China. The update will launch on May 31, after which users will be unable to access foreign games.
It is unfortunate to see that Tencent is make online foreign game blocking software which prevent Chinese people from playing foreign online games.
Dang, it sucks to live in China but I feel like going forward they will try their best to resolve this.
Everything happens for a reason and tencent is pretty much looking out for the safety of there gamers