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WHAT: Notice of Termination of Online Content for FINAL FANTASY XV
WHEN: June 23, 2020 (UTC)
On April Fools, Square Enix doesn't appear to be in a playful mood. Today, they announced an upcoming end-of-life update for Final Fantasy XV, PC and Console versions.
In summary:
Functions of FINAL FANTASY XV and FINAL FANTASY XV Windows Edition will be partially terminated from Wednesday, June 24, 2020 (JST).
To be removed for Console versions:
WHEN: June 23, 2020 (UTC)
On April Fools, Square Enix doesn't appear to be in a playful mood. Today, they announced an upcoming end-of-life update for Final Fantasy XV, PC and Console versions.
In summary:
- Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades online functionality for Steam and Origin will end on June 23 (UTC). See Update 1.
- [ FFXV Information ] will be removed from all menus on XB1, PS4, and all PC versions on June 23 (UTC).
- The Avatar System components will be removed on June 23 (UTC).
- The Mod Organizer's online functionality will be removed and an offline version will be released at a later date.
Functions of FINAL FANTASY XV and FINAL FANTASY XV Windows Edition will be partially terminated from Wednesday, June 24, 2020 (JST).
To be removed for Console versions:
- [ FFXV Information ] from the [ Title Menu ].
- [ FFXV Information ] equivalents from other menus.
- [ FFXV Information ] from the [ Title Menu ].
- [ FFXV Information ] equivalents from other menus.
- Avatara System to replace Noctis' appearance.
- Avatara System phantoms.
- Avatar System Official treasure.
- Avatara System User Treasure.
- Avarar System User Photos.
- For Steam and Origin versions only (see Update 1):
- Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades online functionality. Offline functionality is still available.
- Comrades online matching between Steam and Origin version servers.
- Online build functionality, however offline build functionality will be provided via an update. The date for this update is unknown.
- System score submission of system performance via the "View online" function.
- Ranking comparison of system results will no longer be available online.