Multi Termination of Online Content for FFXV


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WHAT: Notice of Termination of Online Content for FINAL FANTASY XV
WHEN: June 23, 2020 (UTC)

On April Fools, Square Enix doesn't appear to be in a playful mood. Today, they announced an upcoming end-of-life update for Final Fantasy XV, PC and Console versions.

In summary:

  • Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades online functionality for Steam and Origin will end on June 23 (UTC). See Update 1.
  • [ FFXV Information ] will be removed from all menus on XB1, PS4, and all PC versions on June 23 (UTC).
  • The Avatar System components will be removed on June 23 (UTC).
  • The Mod Organizer's online functionality will be removed and an offline version will be released at a later date.
Detailed Information
Functions of FINAL FANTASY XV and FINAL FANTASY XV Windows Edition will be partially terminated from Wednesday, June 24, 2020 (JST).

To be removed for Console versions:

To be removed for PC versions:

  • [ FFXV Information ] from the [ Title Menu ].
  • [ FFXV Information ] equivalents from other menus.
  • Avatara System to replace Noctis' appearance.
  • Avatara System phantoms.
  • Avatar System Official treasure.
  • Avatara System User Treasure.
  • Avarar System User Photos.
  • For Steam and Origin versions only (see Update 1):
    • Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades online functionality. Offline functionality is still available.
    • Comrades online matching between Steam and Origin version servers.
To be removed for the Mod Organizer:

  • Online build functionality, however offline build functionality will be provided via an update. The date for this update is unknown.
To be removed for the Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Benchmark:

  • System score submission of system performance via the "View online" function.
  • Ranking comparison of system results will no longer be available online.
It's really a damn shame that they never got the chance to finish that story dlc with a happy ending for Luna. Yet they finished the story dlc for the main villain. Luna needed more screen and game time too other than the ending fix.
I'm still debating if I should play this game or not.

Storywise nope, gameplay and combat wise pretty fun but cannot beat FF7 remake's Combat System.
what was bad about the story?

Ending and Luna. I mean she's the main heroine and very important to the story but got not enough screen/gameplay time at all.
go the way of Aerith?

Not even close. Aerith's death is really meaningful because by the time the story reaches the scene you already feel an "attachment" to the character, not so with luna because you barely feel any "attachment" to luna as a character due to her very limited screen/gameplay time eventhough the narrative makes her really important to the story. Heck you feel more "attachment" to the bombshell mechanic cindy (and not because of her PLOT lol) and Gladio's sister rather than Luna.
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