TGS 2009 Partial Game List


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This year's TGS kicks off on September 24 at the usual place, the Makuhari Messe on the outskirts of Tokyo. Just like last year, the first two days of the show are press only before show organizer CESA goes and ruins everything by allowing the general public in (we say keep 'em out... except for the cosplayers, of course).

CESA gave a glimpse yesterday at what's in store for the show with the unveiling of a partial list of games that will be on display at the event. The key word is partial. The initial list has titles from just a handful of companies. Notably, Square Enix, Sony, and Microsoft are missing.

With that in mind, here's the (partial!) list of titles presented by CESA:

Tecmo Koei Holdings

* Samurai Warriors 3 (Wii)
* Trinity Souls of Zill 0'll (PS3)
* Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid Special (PS3, X360)
* Winning Post 7 2009 (PSP)
* Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 Unmei no Labyrinth Aisou-ban (PSP)
* Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (PS3)
* Undead Knights PSP)
* Again Eye of Providence (DS)
* Quantum Theory (PS3)


* Professor Layton and the Flute of Malevolent Destiny (DS)
* Inazuma Eleven 2 Fire/Blizard (DS)
* Ni no Kuni (DS)
* The Little Battlers (aka Danbol Senki, PSP)


* Bayonetta (PS3, X360)
* Resonance of Fate (PS3, X360)
* Valkyria Chronicles 2 (PSP)
* Puyo Puyo 7 (PSP, Wii, DS)


* Kentoushi Gladiator Begins (PSP)
* Class of Heroes 2 (PSP)
* Way of the Samurai 2 Portable (PSP)
* Wizardry The Labyrinth of Lost Souls (PS3)

Q Games

* PixelJunk Shooter
* PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe

It's unclear which of these games will be playable and which are planned for video showings.

Separate from the CESA list, we have confirmation on a few playable games. Konami has confirmed that Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker will be in its booth in playable form. Q Games, in its TGS debut, will have playable builds of PixelJunk Shooter and the PSP version of PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe.

Level-5's plans sound... big. The small Fukuoka publisher and developer promises 250 DS kiosks with such playable offerings as Ni no Kuni, Inazuma Eleven 2 and Professor Layton and the Flute of Malevolent Destiny.


You can expect GF to bring you all the TGS news when it starts.