The 2010 "LOL WAHT DID U GET?????" Topic


Problem, Akaen?

I think the title explains this. Christmas started 57 minutes ago for me (it's around 1 am), but I wanted to make this in advance. If you wish, you can talk about what you're going to spend your Christmas money on, if you get any. This is also a topic for talking about what happened on Christmas.

Have fun, and Merry Christmas!
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So far, I have...

A really soft blanket
Money Origami Tutorial (Awesome XD)

I'm still not home yet, so more to come.
I got...

A laptop
A laptop fan
Mario sleep pants
A mouse for my laptop
A new flash drive
A Super Mario Bros Super Show DVD
And Rock Band Track Pack 2.

I still get more later.
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Clothes and money. Yup, clothes and money and I'm happy with that. I have $80 and will get more from one person l8r.
I gots a new compooter. And a new compooter mouse. And that's about it...
Well I also got new Ipod skins
Shrek the Final Chapter
Toy Story 3
3 hoodies
and Tootsie Rolls.

Also this is my new laptops background.
Lotsa choclate
2 yugioh tins
A couple of indIvisual yugioh cards
Card sleeves
A new deck box
Kirbys epic yarn
That projector thing that projects stuff like video game systems and DVDs
Alright, time to post TEH FULL LIST!!


$50 Visa Card
$125 CASH
$250 Check (Cashing it tomorrow, I think)


Really Soft Blanket
Money Origami Tutorial
Other Clothes

I'm certain about the amount of money, but I think I'm missing something for the other presents.
I got:

Around $150 in cash
PS3 (main reason I got barely any presents)
Call of duty: World at War
Godfather 2
Won 22 dollors of something

That's all I got though I'll use my money and buy some games like DKCR, black ops, and other stuff.
Sims 3
Just Dance 2
Fallout New Vegas ( Was actually given by a really nice friend on Steam)
Bamboo Wabcom Drawing Tablet.
A lot of Super Mario shirts and pants
And a lot of comics.
Stripper (Not what it sounds like) and Levatation set
year of XBLive 9To go with that, my bro got CoD Black Ops)
Neocube-this thing-[video][/video]
and cloths.
Mario 25th Anniversary All-Stars (With Soundtrack)
Red Wii(Super Smash Bros Brawl Works!
Mario Chain (Yes, the ones you wear on your neck)
Some little Mario Kart RC things
Epic Mickey
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Family Guy- ITS A TRAP
...Thats all I can think of...