The CamBoard pico control your computer with your hand, and fingers


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The pmd[vision] CamBoard pico is pmd's next-generation depth sensor , which enables accurate and fast touchless gesture control with a miniaturized and optimized form factor. The CamBoard pico provides a 3D interaction volume in which you can move your hands freely and detect hands, fingertips, and gestures...

The Camboard Pico looks good for people who don't like or can't use a mouse because of limited hand movement, or suffer from other hand problems.

It also looks fun for playing games like Fruit Ninja, and other games which uses a cursor to shoot, or cut things on the screen.

I wonder can it be used to track someone's head, nose or tongue, so people can move a cursor by moving their head, or tongue, so both hands remain on the keyboard, so they can type, and move their cursor at the same time.