The collision of two worlds thread.


Demon Lord
Basically, this thread is just for what Nintendo crossover games you would most like to see...
I have to admit that a Mushroom Kingdom edition of Animal Crossing would be pretty cool...
Saturn and Jupit - oh.

Super Smash Bros. gives me all the cross-over I need.
Really?? Wouldn't it be cool to do something other than fighting?? I mean, imagine a Zelda/Mario 3D crossover game.
And anyway, if Saturn and Jupiter collided, it'd be the end of the Solar System as we know it...
I agree with Zexis, SSB.
Well, obviously Nintendo don't think so, seeing as their planning making Mario Kart on the Wii U a bit more broad in terms of characters...
Really?? Wouldn't it be cool to do something other than fighting?? I mean, imagine a Zelda/Mario 3D crossover game.
And anyway, if Saturn and Jupiter collided, it'd be the end of the Solar System as we know it...
Man you are so true. Hell jupiter is basically the only reason mammals have existed this long. It's gravity keeps asteroids away from us. So if we lost jupiter we have no safety net for the human race.
Sonic and the Legend of Zelda. Speed and sword swinging and... Oh wait. That was Sonic and the Black Knight.

Pikmin and Mario. Pluck Goombas out of the ground playing as Bowser, OR pluck Toads with Mario.
Pokemon and Mario would be interesting... evolve a Koopa into a Hammer Bro. Or use a Wing Stone and evolve it into a Paratroopa, heh.

Or mix Donkey Kong 64 with Super Mario 64 for some weird game. They're both similar, except Donkey Kong 64 had a few more collectibles. And I love me some collectibles.
I know this will never happen, but imagine LEGO The Legend of Zelda or LEGO Mario. Those would be awesome...
Fire Emblem series with the Luminous Arc series. That would be badass.

It's too bad because Luminous Arc series wasn't made by Nintendo.
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I know this will never happen, but imagine LEGO The Legend of Zelda or LEGO Mario. Those would be awesome...
Except that the LEGO games tend to be mediocre. I miss the old LEGO games, where you could just build stuff and explore your world, even take over a character and walk around.