The Deepfake App For Audio...


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I hope not many people will use Deepfake audio to commit crimes like faking someone's voice like a crime that involve the victim like a child which open the front door to his home for a robber to enter after hearing the robber use a device like a smartphone which create a very realistic fake voice which sounds exactly like their mom's voice to trick the child into opening the door.
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On this night's episode of the Twilight Zone...

Yeah, forget calling people ever again unless you can memorize their number lol. Just don't give out your personal info or make them say something that the app can't catch like say an impression they can do or a line the two parties know from memory not including a scammer.
I can see deepfake voice apps being used in voice chats on voice chat rooms being annoying if many people decide to use the same deepfake voice. There is a chance that a criminal make a similar looking username, or hacking someone's voice chat account, and use a deepfake voice app to pretend to be their victim to trick their friends on their friendlist on their voice chat app like Facebook Messenger.
It would be interesting to hear the deepfake voices of voice actors, singers, tv reporters, and movie stars who no longer work, or are a live.