The Division


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Another title announced from Ubisoft, comes Tom Clancy's The Division for current gen. Thoughts on it?
This game looks very interesting. It seems to integrate multiplayer very well and I'm surprised to see how wide scale the battle scenes are.  From all the trailers I've seen of this game it seems like there is a limit of four people per game, which is ok. Personally I would have liked to the see this game in a more MMO format, kind of like Planetside 2. It would be great to see hundreds of people battle for one base. As far as the E3 gameplay, this year seemed far too scripted. It was obvious in some cases that the other "Players" were really just AI used specifically for the stage demo. This is alright, but they should have just shown off the game. I will look to see more of The Division in the future and I can't wait to find out more about this game.
When I saw the trailer and a little bit of gameplay, I thought about Last of Us for a second. Although the concept could've been the same, I think this game won't have a really special storyline like LoU.
I can be wrong though, I haven't checked other footage of the game yet, but I'm starting to get hyped up a bit about this, IF it has the same concept as LoU.
First off, the CGI trailer was amazingly done. They packed so many emotions into 4 minutes, that's something a lot of feature films can't do in 2 hours. And 2nd off, yeah it's just a CGI trailer nothing new. But still I'm hyped for this game. 

Though it does suck that it's only going to come out for next gen consoles and not PC. I hope they release it eventually like with what GTA V did. But still, I'm disappointed.
Now this is a game I have to play. I'm more excited for this than any other game for a long time. I'm glad they are delaying it in order to produce a great gaming experience for us all. I hope they are ready to take my money :$$$: :$$$: :$$$: