The game of your life


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Because, what is the game you've put the most hours into?
I am fairly sure I put in the most hours in GTA4. I remember waiting to get the ps3 then buying it when that game came out. Everytime I when to do missions I got sidetracked and just roamed. I played it for months and months.
The game I have put the most time in would definitely be Phantasy Star Universe.

I spent many hours upon hours each day grinding and getting better weapons and equipment.
I'd say either the Kingdom Hearts series or the Sims. I've probably put hours into the Sims. The building can take quite some time, and I usually get really into it whenever I'm with my sisters. Which even though it's not very often, it kind of ends up being the go to game when I'm at their house. I only play it for a short time after. But Kingdom Hearts is probably the game I'm most dedicated to. I can play each game multiple times without getting bored. XD
Well... the game i put most of my time and still doing that is counter strike global offensive with over 3000 hours spent in it