The good die while the bad live


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Been seeing this pop up with Lance Reddick's passing, many complaining how the good seem to die while those who are more rotten keep on living. What are your thoughts on that?
Nobody really knows why bad things keep happening to good people... Why God allows it, why God doesn't punish the wicked... we don't know! God always has a reason for everything that happens in the universe! God's planning is perfect! No matter what happens, you gotta have faith in him!
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I feel it is a shame to the living to say that. However if we can remember the good the most for the least amount they put in, there's something to be said about why nothing's wrong today with ourselves.
Been seeing this pop up with Lance Reddick's passing, many complaining how the good seem to die while those who are more rotten keep on living. What are your thoughts on that?

It's a fact. Evil politicians keeps pressing the masses to death here while they enjoy.