The Hero is Overpowered But Overly Cautious


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Another long Isekai anime title, but for one that is mostly silly and rather dumb with lots of humor clichés, this anime goes pretty far in its adult humor and going some near boarder line hentai. I thought about dropping it, but I held out till the end and this is one of those animes that really rewards you for sticking to the end as everything makes sense and becomes dark.

I recommend watching this and sticking to it till the very end for a great anime experience.
I watched this one as well. And the whole time I was thinking: "Push-ups, sit-ups and plenty of juice."

There are a couple decent fight scenes in it.

Also the twist with the side characters (once they get to the dragon village) just starts to show how dark things really are here.
I watched this one as well. And the whole time I was thinking: "Push-ups, sit-ups and plenty of juice."

There are a couple decent fight scenes in it.

Also the twist with the side characters (once they get to the dragon village) just starts to show how dark things really are here.

Honestly the whole dragon village/sword thing was more of a cliché, it's around episode 11 where things get turn upside down and you realize everything is not goofy as it seems.