The History of Rare


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Most game developers play it safe by specializing, or even over-specializing, when it comes to their output. They stick to a precious few genres and systems they know, and if they try to jump their licenses to unfamiliar platforms, most often they'll farm the job out to another specialty developer. Everybody sticks to what they know. Finding a company that drifts from shooters to platformers to sports to fighters, racers, adventure, puzzle games and more, jumping from PC to console to mobile with wanton glee is, indeed, Rare.

For most of its history, Rare was the singular vision of two brothers driven by their love of games and need for success. They brought a new philosophy to both game design and production, setting records that are likely to stand for decades to come, and achieved rockstar status while shunning the limelight completely. And on the way, they produced some of the seminal titles in video game history.

a whole lot more here

very interesting and good read.