The Humble Nintendo Bundle is Back!


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It's a good deal, though not much time remains. Apparently it seems to be for European and Australian players this time around:

For $1 you get Retro City Rampage, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, and Affordable Space Adventures.

For more than the average, you get Freedom Planet, Citizens of Earth and Rhythm Thief.

For $13 you get Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition and Darksiders II for Wii U.

Either way, those are some fantastic games, the prices here are really good and hey, you're giving money to charity as well. My advice for European Nintendo fans is to go and buy it, there's not a lot to lose here...
I'm excited for this one and picking it up today! The last Nintendo bundle they did was full of games that I'd already played, and had been popular for years before- most of which I'd gotten for free from Playstations membership. This time around there's a lot of spiffy ones I haven't picked up yet!
I might jump on this for Freedom Planet and Affordable Space Adventures, heard good things about both of those games.