The Last of Us Details


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The Last of Us was revealed as a PlayStation 3 exclusive last weekend. Since then, we've done some speculating, asked you what you thought and even analyzed what we know so far.

And now, we have concrete details. Naughty Dog, the developer behind the PS3-exclusive smash hit series Uncharted, is developing the game. In the reveal trailer, a middle-aged man and a young girl are seen ravaging through an abandoned house, looking for supplies and fighting humans that seem to be infected by some sort of disease. After killing a number of these infected humans, they run through the rest of the house and find their way outside.

Naughty Dog has posted more details...

"Abandoned cities reclaimed by nature. A population decimated by a modern plague. Survivors are killing each other for food, weapons; whatever they can get their hands on.

Joel, a brutal survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together if they hope to survive their journey across the US."


pretty brutal stuff going on in this game.