The Last of Us Remastered


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The last of us is being remastered for the PS4 and looks to include the DLC as well. The game comes out on July 29th, 2014.
For whomever is still not sure if they should buy it: You should! It has been too long, since I got hit in the feelings by a game. Not only the story is really great with good build up, the gameplay itself also is amazing. Multiplayer is quite good too, but very frustrating sometimes haha!

This is one game you SHOULD play in my opinion. 
B.t.w. I didn't play it on PS4, only on PS3.
I missed it on PS3 and all of my PSN friends keep telling me how good it is and how I have to have it. So I am going to pick it up for PS4 when it comes out. I get paid Thursday, I plan on making a trip to Gamestop to reserve it.

Stained Hero said:
I missed it on PS3 and all of my PSN friends keep telling me how good it is and how I have to have it. So I am going to pick it up for PS4 when it comes out. I get paid Thursday, I plan on making a trip to Gamestop to reserve it.

What do you mean with "missed"? You can still buy it haha.
I get your point though. If you buy it at release on PS4, Multiplayer will be even more awesome because of the huge amount of players + you won't get killed as much since there are also new players.
Absolutely loved this game and I'm glad to see it getting a next-gen upgrade. Haven't played the DLC but I've platinum'd it and loved every moment of it. Even online was fun as well as interesting, and that's on top of the already incredible single player.
I typically hate these kinds of games, but this one was just one of a kind amazing. Almost felt like watching a movie. The storyline was just fantastic and of course tugs on a few heart strings at times.
This is certainly a must-have title.