The Legend of Zelda Art Competition.


Demon Lord
Basically, who can do the best Legend of Zelda artwork??!!
Winners get bragging rights and fortune and glory. Roll up, roll up!! You've got until the 6th of January, so get drawing/painting/sculpturing!!
a'ight, I'm in. Got mine all planned out in my head, ready for paper. Hopefully this will turn out better than my Dragon.

And uh, here's the Sign-up list (Might be updated consistantly):

Lamera (Toon Ike)
1. A hint of Christmas cheer would be nice.
2. You probably guessed, but including Ghirahim will earn you a LOT of brownie points.
3. Traditional art styles prefered, but roll on fresh styles of old characters!
4. Stunning scenery= Big plus.
5. No need to draw people, areas are good too!!