The N3DSC Christmas Tree


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~The N3DSC Christmas Tree~
A Member Project


This... is our Christmas tree. It looks pretty nice, doesn’t it? Little bits of tinsel and everything. But wait a second, something’s missing…

Where are the decorations? Why is there only one present? And most importantly, where is the star?!
Guys, I need your help. I can’t decorate this tree all by myself, it’s just too big a task for me to handle. Think you can do it?

Okay, What Is This About?

The N3DSC Christmas Tree has two little fun features:

  • Members can help build decorations for the tree
  • Members can give one another presents
Very simple, but very fun!

Want To Make Decorations?

Baubles and Candy Canes are our two main decorations. I need a few members to help design personalized baubles (Nintendo related is awesome, but anything is fine) and Candy Canes to spruce up our tree! All you need to do is grab the templates provided, edit them, post them here or PM them to me and then I’ll put them on the tree.

Someone's going to need to make a pretty little star as well! There's no template for this one though, so try your best to make it pretty!

Bauble Template


Candy Cane Template


Notes For Decoration Builders
If you’re making your own decorations, here’s what you have to do

  • Download the required source files
  • Edit as you see fit
  • Send me your finished decoration via PM (following the below file format requirements)
It’s a relatively easy process. For the file type, here’s what I’d like to see:

  • PNG format (preferably with transparency)
  • Left at the original size, or a minimum of 500 x 500 pixels
Be sure that there’s nothing offensive in your decoration and that it doesn’t breach the guidelines.

Once a decoration’s up, that’s it. It won’t be moved around or anything upon request.

Want To Give A Present?

Here’s a fun part. I’ve gotten word that Santa Dan has agreed to help hand out a whole bunch of member submitted presents on Christmas Eve, just in time for Christmas! Of course, he can’t help out if nobody submits any presents.

To give someone a present, all you need to do is send a PM to me (NintenDan) with the following information:

  • Who the present is addressed to? (their username)
  • Who is the present from? (this will be your username, but you can request to leave it blank)
  • What size box would you like to give them?
  • What present wrapping would you like wrap your present with?
  • What items would you like to include in your present?

Example Form
To: Nin3DS
From: NintenDan
Box Size: #2
Gift Wrap: #1

I’d like to include a message and a drawing!

“Dear Nin3DS, thank you for being Nin3DS”
[Insert image here]

As you can tell from the example above (in the spoiler), it’s pretty easy. Every present should contain at least one item. It can be a message, a poem, fan art, whatever. Any presents that are offensive and/or breach our guidelines will be rejected by Santa Dan himself and you’ll be put on the Naughty list!

Once you submit a present, it will be placed under the tree and make it even more prettier! Hooray! You can’t take back a present either, or change the box size or gift wrap, so choose carefully. Sorry, no refunds.

We have a collection of presents to choose from, ranging in five different sizes and three different gift wrap styles (for now).

Box Sizes


Gift Wrap

Style #1


Style #2


Style #3


The gift wrap are all based on a default colour of blue, but this background can be altered to be whatever colour you want. Yellow, red, green, purple, pink, or another shade of blue, any colour you want!

You can even submit your own gift wrap for members to use, or give suggestions for possible gift wrap ideas!

Notes for Gift Wrap Artists
Want to add another gift wrap to the list of available gift wrap for members to choose from?

It’s pretty simple. Just make a tileable texture that’s at least 200 x 200 pixels and then I can use it.

You can submit gift wrap by posting here, or sending it via PM. Some submission guidelines are:

  • High quality JPG or PNG
  • Must be tileable! If it isn’t, I might be able to make it so, but if not, then I can’t do anything


Want to spicen up your present that little bit more? There are also gift bows you can place on the top of your gift, and you can wrap your gift with a traditional criss-cross ribbon.


And of course, these are just the default colours. Any colour you can imagine can be used!

What Are You Waiting For?
Come on, you've got nothing to lose! Spread some Christmas joy and send a fellow member a present! It'll make their day that little bit special! A small thing can go a long way!

Present submissions will close on...

Thursday, 20th December 2012

Any later and sorry, Santa Dan won't be able to get all the presents ready! So rush on in! Decorations will be accepted pretty much up until Christmas itself however, so take your time with those things (though hey, the sooner the better, right?)
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Amazing idea!

Gifts for everyone!
I had the idea of making a website with a present generator where you could create your own present on the go and it would actually save an image and stuff.

Naturally, I had this idea tonight. And because it's the 7th, I figured it's best to go for the old fashioned method of PMs for now otherwise it'd never get done, rofl.
Can we get creative and NOT follow the templates and just make something completely different?

Depends on what you have in mind. I limited it to about two to do a traditional tree and for design purposes. I mean, I don't want a million things all of differing quality, and the two presets add consistency.

There's always the star if you want to make that. Otherwise PM me with your ideas.
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this seems cool but a little confussing. i dont get the present thing. please exsplain the presents a little better

The present thing is giving presents to other members, simply put.

What you do is tell me what size present you want (that's the picture of the 5 grey boxes). Then tell me what kind of gift wrap you want (that's the 3 styles of gift wrap). Then tell me if you want a ribbon on the present or not.

Finally, tell me who the present is addressed to and then tell me what you'd like to include in the present. It could be a message, or fan art, or anything.

Below is the example form:

To: Nin3DS
From: NintenDan
Box Size: #2
Gift Wrap: #1

I’d like to include a message and a drawing!

“Dear Nin3DS, thank you for being Nin3DS”
[Insert image here]
I made a candy cane.

It's winter mint and orange.
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Anyone else dissapointed?