The name for loading icon


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Throbber... I don't like it either.
Meh Ill probably forget that it's even named this and let's be honest, how many people that are on live streaming sites even know this lol.
It's like staring at your heart. It does a little animation if you could stare at it. A PC can do the same as you are watching it when you could be seeing a blank screen instead, but out of courtesy, you stare at a throbber. It's usually not that big anyways so you could ignore it.
I honestly did not know that the loading icon had any other name and it was called just that, a loading icon.

I will admit, I do not like the name they have given it at all, it sounds like something else and doesn't describe the loading icon.
I agree with you totally!
I never would have guessed it was called that. & who came up with that name. Next question: Why??