The Next Gen of X-Men


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With Second Coming wrapped up, Marvel's X-Men franchise is ready to embrace the Heroic Age and move forward into a new era. We've already seen one new ongoing series, X-Men Vol. 3, launch in the wake of this new status quo. At SDCC this weekend, Marvel revealed the next new series to be added to their X-lineup.

X-Men: Generation Hope is a book that will spin out of the events of the upcoming "The Five Lights" arc in Uncanny X-Men. Generation Hope follows the new mutants that have spontaneously appeared across the globe and their relationship to the supposed mutant messiah. The series will be written by Kieron Gillen (Thor) and is scheduled to debut in November.

We chatted briefly with Gillen to learn more about the new series. One of our first questions was just how closely connected Generation Hope is to "The Five Lights" and Uncanny X-Men. Gillen said, "About as closely as we can get. The Five Lights is this enormous retro-rocket thing, and we shoot off the top to exciting new destinations. The Five Lights deals primarily with four of the lights... and the fifth light is the heart of my first arc.

"Matt [Fraction] and I were working worryingly closely on this, to the point where my fiancee suspected I was having a late night trans-continental affair with these mysterious phone-calls to one another. We brainstormed the core of the characters, honed them and ended up deciding which ones would be introduced in the Five Lights and which one would open Generation Hope."

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