The Official Nintendo3DSCommunity N3DSC0POLY Board with lots of featured members and stuff


Full GL Member

Thanks to NintenDan and I, We have created a Monopoly board in which the most well-know members of this community are displayed in the form of a Monopoly board. Some of you have seen how it's come along, and now it is complete. Enjoy!
This also may be made into a future game, and a Shenanigan guy version may come out soon.
Shenanigan Guy version? I was not informed of that! DON'T EXPECT A SHENANIGAN VERSION, PEOPLE!

But yeah, I like the centre image, it is most awesome.
I don't know HOW it happened but when I clicked on it on the laptop I got the older one. I was like "Darn, didn't make it. Oh well."

But this one, I really like! Great work here! *Wonders if it's possible to use in a forum game*
my pic makes me look like a 5 year old spammer...)-) and Zexis is missing i noticed. (Unless he said he didn't wanna be in it)