The Only Apple Subscription You Will Need


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I don't like the idea of subscribing to iPhone since you don't own the phone, so you can't resell a iPhone for money if you don't like or need the iPhone anymore. Subscriptions can also be more expensive than buying an iPhone. Subscribing to an iPhone after a few years may cost many hundreds of dollars more than buying an iPhone. Canceling an iPhone subscriptions can be annoying and hard for some people.
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I think the thing about contracts is that you get to keep the phone at the end and you can sell it/trade it in to make your new phone purchase slightly cheaper.
In a way Apple/authorized resellers already offer a program like this where you can subscribe to a plan and trade in your iPhone everytime they release a new model. I never took advantage of the program because I don't upgrade annually. For example, I have the iPhone 11 Pro but I don't plan on upgrading until I can get the iPhone 14 Pro.
In a way Apple/authorized resellers already offer a program like this where you can subscribe to a plan and trade in your iPhone everytime they release a new model. I never took advantage of the program because I don't upgrade annually. For example, I have the iPhone 11 Pro but I don't plan on upgrading until I can get the iPhone 14 Pro.
I never did either, I just upgrade every few years. I have a 13 now, but I previously had a Xs
If you can buy certain apps and run them offline there is some use but not for the general use of owning a phone in the first place.