The Opposite Side of The Pokemon World.

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Artisan Vistra

Everyone's Rival
Staff member
Full GL Member
For those who know or don't know, Colosseum was the first game in the main series to have a story on a console game. But that's not the only thing in this game that makes it unique.


Battles all over the Orre region are played as double battles with the exception of single battles against friends and the colosseums across Orre when not in story mode. Instead of having to move four directions like in all the other portable games you use the joystick to navigate which helps much more in a polygonal world. The main inclusion in Colosseum are the Shadow Pokemon the Ciphers create. In the game, you must capture these Shadow Pokemon from trainers in the same RPG fashion as in all the Pokemon games. You don't have to defeat the other Pokemon the trainer has in order to catch Shadow Pokemon making life a little easier and to make clear that Horde Battles from the future games are different from this mechanic. The best/worst part is, that there are only 48 capturable Pokemon stepping away from "Gotta' Catch 'Em All" and more into "using the cards you're dealt" with the exception of choosing a Johto starter at the late beginning of the game (It's not like you given really bad Pokemon so it won't be that bad). Capturing Entei, Raikou, and Suicune are part of what makes this game a pleasant challenge to "hardcore" gamers.

Purifying Shadow Pokemon is required to transfer them to the Advance titles so I should mention how to purify them. It's very similar to friendshipping a Pokemon. You walk around with the Pokemon, use Scents (bought items), or battle with Pokemon to help purify them. When you battle, you start off with Shadow Rush (which is like a Life Orb holder using strength or something similar) on a fully Shadow Pokemon and it learns moves the closer it gets to purification. When a Pokemon gets into "Hyper Mode", it is more likely to land critical hits with Shadow Rush. Using the "Call" command brings them to normal and the Pokemon purifies faster. "Call" also wakes up sleeping Pokemon and snaps a Pokemon out of Confusion.

The Day Care in Colosseum works like the one in FR/LG/R/B/Y meaning you can't breed but you can put any Pokemon you like in it. What nice people who really don't mind that Shadow Pokemon can "hurt people". For those without Emerald and still want to catch them all in Gen 3, then this is the game for you!


With the epic title screen/credits music in mind some battle music gets a little stale when it's heard a dozen times but if you listen to all the music as a whole it all sounds great (with the exception of one that purposefully sounds horrible) and they all really set the mood. Some of the most notable are the Cipher Peon theme, Cipher Admin theme, and the final battle theme. Listen to Miror B.'s theme if you ever wanted to have a siesta. The Cipher Syndicate theme sounds like it was based off Funky Town. Sometimes the best music for a serious battle is no music at all.


The main character (which we call Wes) breaks out of Team Snagem's Hideout having just stolen the portable version of the Snag Machine which is used to steal trainers Pokemon (Big change from most Pokemon games, huh?). After he rescues Rui (the girl protagonist that follows Wes around that has the power to identify Shadow Pokemon) from Miror B.'s goons Wes decides to destroy the Cipher's plot by restoring Shadow Pokemon to their original states. The Cipher's plot is to use Pokemon as fighting machines to help them, I'm guessing, to take over the world.
At the end of the game Wes discovers Es Cade (the Mayor of Phenac City) is actually Evice, the leader of the Cipher organization, who later becomes stopped by Ho-oh.
The story is very different from the other Pokemon games and the characters have neat but silly personalities. I will also mention that after you beat the main story there is a post quest for those who yearn for more or just want to catch the Pokemon you missed.

Minor Complaints (for the most part):

The battle animations are either too slow for or the battles take too long for people who want to go through the story quickly.

All Pokemon are hard to catch since some are real weak and some Faint themselves due to the recoil of Shadow Rush, but that is what is also kind of neat about the game.

It is very easy to get lost in certain parts of the game if you never played this game before (like trying to find the Relic Forest for the first time in Agate Village. Ugh.). However, it will help you purify your Pokemon faster.

I have reason to believe this game allows you to grind a little bit at Mt. Battle and the Colosseums.

If you want Ho-Oh you have to work for it bud.


Neat Berries like the Petaya, Salac, and Leichi (spelled that one wrong)

You get basically all the Johto Pokemon you need to catch them all (not counting Unknown)

Some Pokemon know TM moves after they're purified.

The Move Tutor can teach your Pokemon neat moves.

You get most of the Johto Legendaries and all the Johto starters.

Another way for people to obtain Metagross, Flygon, Camerupt, and Altaria.

So after it's all said and done this game is a solid 8/10.