The Right Daily Dose Of Gaming For Kids?


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In one frame, a mom who cut her kids off from video games and other electronics for six months. In the right frame, a game designer who says kids benefit from up to three hours of gaming a day.

In the middle: a Fox News host who limits her kids to 30 minutes of gaming a day.

Somehow this debate aired on Fox News today without any yelling. The guests were even respectful of each other.

For the record, the mom on the left is Susan Maushart, author of the book The Winter of our Disconnect. She says her kids were more social, more creative and even slept better thanks to their tech sabbatical. On the right is Jane McGonigal, a designer of alternate reality games and author of Reality is Broken. Her take was that kids playing up to three hours a day learn positive, modern skills for problem-solving and communication.

The host was pushing for 30 minutes of gaming for kids a day, but I think McGonigal pushed back on that effectively. What's the right amount of time?

Watch the debate at Fox's site.

see debate here


I say let them play as long as they want as long as they have nothing else to do and it's not nice out to go outside.
I wouldn't recommend more than 3-4 hours. Once I went 15 straight hours playing, and did nothing else, literally. I was pretty shocked, but that taught me to never play a Kingdom Hearts game on Saturday, LOL.
I would say they should be able to play it as long as they hve free time and that they take breaks. They shouldn't really go above 4 hours though.
I'm not the social type, so this never really harmed me. It was either play video games, or just sit around the house doing nothing. Plus I'm a pretty sickly person, so it didn't hurt to play games because I was usually too sick to go outside.
All depends on age to be honest. I realistically probably wouldn't let them exceed a couple of hours per day. I have seen what happens when kids spend too much time playing video games and the results are not pretty.
30 minutes!?
those kids will need a year to beat a pokemon game!

in my opinion, It's fine as long as it's only on free time.
If you have a lot of free time, sure play. If it interferes with personal life or work, then that is too much.
But keep an open mind or suggest your children of other things to occupy free time more productively.
When I was a kid we played commodore 64 games many hours (4+) per day. I have no idea if something happened to me because of that nerdy stuff, but well those games were good and will never be forgotten.
I saw on TV that people should only look at computer screens and TV for 30 minutes, and take 10-15 minute breaks to rest their eyes before gaming again.