So I was reading this which is about a kid being bullied shortly before he was going to be interviewed by a news crew about bullying. Some highlights from the article is that this kid has made the school aware of it and yet they didn't seem to fix the problem. The kid of course tried to fight back but just got in trouble with the school.
So do you feel that if a kid doesn't get much adult support they should fight back and should they be punished for doing so?
I believe that a person has every right to defend themselves if they are being attacked and if the school knows about but does nothing unless it is to punish the victim then they should be sued out of existence.
I think that if the school to refused to do anything about this except to punish the victim then they might be siding with the bully and encouraging this behavior, because by them refusing to do anything about this means that they condone this behavior.
Yeah, in my school, if you were defending yourself, you get suspended for "inciting aggressive behavior" which is absolute bull. If a kid punched me in the face, the sane thing to do is to fight back, and it is stupid that the school makes you pay for another assholes fault.
It's all school policy against any violence, but if one kid strikes another then the kid should be beaten back with the one who was first hit given a lesser punishment.
I've noticed that schools like that have a habit of picking and choosing what to do about a situation like this. Teachers are smart, they can read body language and the behavior of the students and can very easily tell who is getting bullied and who is doing the bullying. They just don't care.
There are a number of child psychology and behavioral study classes that a teacher has to take in college when they are pursuing their degree that teaches them this skill, they just prefer not to especially if they don't like a particular student.
I know this from having been bullied by both teachers and students growing up. The only way to deal with it NOW is to document every single instance as it occurs as well as the bully themselves and the teachers info and reaction when you tell them as well as that of the principal and hand it over to your parents each time, and let them take it to the police as well as the school board, and have them document their experiences and make copies of everything whilst keeping the originals.
After that, prepare to fight to defend yourself and when you get into trouble respond with a lawsuit. By then, everything will be documented and prepare to leak copies of everything to the social media so that it goes viral and the media becomes interested in your story and they will want to interview you all over the country.
The school will become known for allowing and facilitating the bullying of another child, and angry parents and organizations will pull funding for it, which will have severe consequences. Even if the victim's family can't afford a lawsuit, angry people will start a donation campaign for them to afford a shark of a lawyer and/or they will agree to try the case pro bono because this situation has already gone viral and the firm as well as the lawyer will reap the benefits from the publicity in this case.
The teacher will likely be fired and have their lives turned upside down by many angry people both locally and globally and the teacher will be fired as well. The police precinct will get a lot of negative publicity as well. The bully will probably fare just as bad if not, worse.
Even if the lawsuit doesn't come out in the victims favor, and/or is thrown out of court, the damage has already been done to the responsible parties. At the very least, they will know what the victim went through on a daily basis and having no one to help them or want to. If it does, then not only does it start a trend of suing the bully, the teacher, the school and the precinct, but it forces schools to be more proactive about stopping this and coming down harsher on the bully and it just might cause bullies to think twice about bullying someone.
There are some people who carry guns, and knives, so defending yourself could make the situation worse or deadly if the person is carrying a weapon.
Running or calling the police would be better if you have the chance.
A lot of kids have cell phones these days, and calling 911, so they can use their phone to report that someone wants to hurt them.
I think the buddy system works pretty well if you have friends since people will less likely bully or hurt you if you are around a bunch of people you know unless you are unfortunate enough to get bullied by a street gang or group of bullies.
Defending yourself is a good idea if you have no other non-violent choices.
The bullies these days do not care and not only that they carry weapons, and so, even if you are being bullied nowadays, then your choices are to either move, (which isn't an option because many people can't afford to do this) allow them to beat you to death with their hands, fight back and defend yourself and win or lose, you'll be dead anyway, because the bully will then have killed you after school with a bullet because you 'disrespected them and made them look like a punk, and for that you have to die."
The school doesn't care at all, because they know that even if the victim's parents pull funding for it, there will be many others that will still pay for their kids to go there, especially if the school supports bullying in this fashion. The school won't care because they will get money regardless of what happens and the only way they will care, is if someone snaps, brings a gun to school and starts shooting the place up and ends their own life as well.
Only then, will the school be forced to deal with the situation, and realize that bullying is a serious problem, and their only response to it will be the installation of metal detectors. The bullying will then continue from that point forward. The bullying will continue and they will only get more bold because they now know that the schools and the media will protect them.
Violence is the only option where today's bullies are concerned and so, you can either move, and be put into another situation where you will be bullied, or you can simply pick your death. Suicide, be beaten to death by your bullies or fight back, and win or lose, be shot to death for disrespecting your bully and making them look like a punk.
This has actually happened, and it is usually from those with ties to gangs.
Well if adults are allowed to defend themselves, why shouldn't the kids be allowed to?
I also think that fighting back is the best option in these situations, otherwise they might just end up getting used to it.
I think that in todays world, it is seemingly a no-win situation.
Instead, we need to pass legislation that requires all current teachers and professors of all grades from K to College to complete a 16 week crash course on child psychology, behavior and development as well as psychology, so that they will be able to identify the signs of a child/student who is being bullied as well as the ones from the one who is doing the bullying.
Failure to attend or complete these courses with a passing mark, will result in them permanently losing their teaching license. People who are in college to become teachers would have these new courses integrated into their college curriculum and passing these courses would be a requirement for graduation.
Where upon said recognition, the teacher logs each incident and files a report with the principal and the child is kept after school until a parent or guardian comes to get them and the teacher calls a meeting between the student, their parents and the principal to address the situation and even, law enforcement, if necessary.
An official report is filed with the school and the Board of Education so that, if the bullying does not stop there, then they will file a police report so that, the victim's parents will have all the documentation and police paperwork to support their allegation and then they can file a police report themselves (if the school did not) and can legally go after the bully and their parents, not only so that the harassment goes on the bully's criminal and school record, but the victim is also compensated financially as well.
This information will then follow the bully throughout their entire school life, unless they have been put in mandatory rehab and anger management as well as having regularly seen a therapist and it is then concluded that the bully has been reformed and can have the offense expunged from their criminal and educational record.
I think that this will be an effective means of combating a problem that has gone on too long and only seems to get worse with time, because it would address all parties involved from the victim right on down to law enforcement.
The teachers will no longer be able to say that they didn't see anything or know it was happening, because they'll know to be vigilant and will know EXACTLY what to look out for and they will be ACTIVELY looking out for it.
the school will be FORCED to deal with each situation and COMMUNICATE with the parents and law enforcement, the Board of Ed. will be informed and will be forced to PENALIZE the bully and have it on their permanent record.
Law enforcement will be FORCED to take this complaint seriously because bullying is harrassment, which is in fact, a CRIMINAL OFFENSE, instead of the cops laughing or brushing it off as a joke or a "childhood phase we all went through" like they have done so before.
This legislation will attack this issue from all angles and forced the involved parties (excluding the victim and their family) to do something about it or they will lose their jobs, face criminal charges and/or be held legally responsible themselves.
Most teachers will still act like they didn't see anything except if there was a way to penalize the school itself for not noticing these issues if they ever come to light, but I don't know how this could work.
Another problem with this is that most of the major bullying happen out of the school grounds where the teachers can't see anything, either on the way to school or on the way home.
I think that the basis for what determines school grounds should be similar to what determines a school zone where traffic occurs.
If the bullying happens within its school zone radius, and/or happens between the students of said school then it should be treated as though it happened within the school itself.
I agree, what I meant is that they have no way of finding out unless someone talks. As long as the teachers pay attention, it should be easy to detect within the school grounds.
I kind of find it funny to trust teachers to watch out for this yet there too busy getting trying to get into the student's pants. But that's a different topic.
To the topic though it goes without saying our teachers are failing but I know if they had better pay one would think they do a better job. I've seen teachers have bad days and by that point they may not give a damn.
The problem with society is that school divisions, the gov't, cops, etc all say bullying is wrong, but when it comes to people "revolting against bullies" they always put a very quick stop to it. This is why kids to strike back are always getting in trouble. It works the same way for police. Cops do not like you taking the law in your own hands and if you do, most of the time its you who is in deep water.
Schools just don't take bullying seriously but think that a quiet person is much more dangerous if they strike back. Maybe they are right.......When I was 15yrs old this punk who sat behind me always called me names, stabbed me with a pencil, threw my books around. I out weighed me by abour 30lbs so there's really nothing I could do. I was getting all bruised up after a good eight months. He thought he had me cornered but I worked a deal out with my sister and I was putting in a birth control pill every day into his pepsi for about 6 months. School ended and he was gone and a year later when I saw him next I really tried to look for something "off" about him. It definately was not heathy for him.
I get what he is saying about teachers trying to f--k students, it happens, and more often than not because of the gender bias toward women.
If a man does it, then he is a pedophile who should be castrated, but if a woman does it, then she was confused, manipulated, vulnerable and somehow thought she was in love. She gets a slap on the wrist, is on house arrest for a bit, and then is free to do it again.