THE SINKING SHIP; now comes with floaties


Okay so it's 3:33AM (seriously it is) here where I am. And well I can't sleep, so for kicks I decided to see how some old sites I went on were either doing good or bad.

A noticed quite a few had died but I also noticed a few were doing very good. But seriously, don't you just hate it when you think a site is dead and you leave but then come back and see it's kickingx10, I mean, I'm going to keep this short ('cause now it's 3:35AM), if it was a good site would you come back tail between your legs even though you abandoned the place? And as a long running member how would that make you feel?
It will make me more interested to be an active member of that site. The reason I'm inactive on a lot of sites is lack of interest due to not a lot of interesting topics and replys.
I've left a few good sites thinking that they would end up to be nothing but I return to see them going far better then I imagined and I could have been staff >_<

But yeah, a lot sites die and just a very few become very good. It's a sad fact that I wish that wasn't true.